DVD & Book Edition
March, 2010
Publisher: urban art info
Concept: Iris Hemplemann, TRYONE & Matthias Hübner
Design & Production: TRYONE & Matthias Hübner
various formats, Buy it here
»Der Wind ist da. Der Wind tut alles. Ich mache gar nichts. Er ist da und treibt voran. Der Wind ist der, der die Linie in den Himmel zeichnet. Ich reiche dem Wind nur das Werkzeug und gebe ein wenig heiße Luft dazu...«
Between November 2009 and February 2010 TRYONE constructed a couple of dozen hot-air balloons, observed and wrote down weather forecasts and looked for places to fly those balloons. He sent 53 balloons into Berlin’s vast sky and watched and filmed them being moved by the wind. These recordings were a basis for his large format canvases depicting the balloon flight as an abstract white line on black background.
Along with the paintings a video, displaying all recordings edited to a 11 minutes loop, was shown in the exhibition.
This video on DVD is the first part of the artist’s edition. For the second part, we looked for books dealing with the general topic of balloons, flying and aviation and found 25 different ones and extended them by adding background information and documentation material of TRYONE’s project. We placed sheets of papers into the pages, narrating the process and progress of the whole operation: the weather forecasts, images of several balloons and instructions on how to build them. Together with a sheet of paper used for the skin of the balloons and one original drawing, the reader is able to follow the artistic procedure and to get a glimpse of the preparations that were necessary.